P-06-1294 Don't leave metastatic breast cancer patients in Wales behind


This petition was submitted by Tassia Haines, having collected a total of 14,106 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

People living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)in Wales are being badly let down by the system. Currently, Wales has just one dedicated secondary breast cancer clinical nurse specialist (CNS), a situation that leaves potentially hundreds of people without adequate support. We need to know how many people are living with MBC to improve services. And we want improve quality of life outcomes by raising awareness of MBC red flag symptoms.


Additional Information:

We are calling for:

1. Every person with Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in Wales to have access to a dedicated secondary breast cancer clinical nurse specialist.

2. A collection of data of those living and being treated for MBC in Wales.

We have written an open letter to the Minister for Health and Social Services on behalf of metastatic breast cancer patients and their carers to show the need for improved quality of life and more support for those living with MBC.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Aberavon

·         South Wales West